Cygnus Court

Welcome to the microsite for Cygnus Court. This site will provide regular updates on works being undertaken on your building, house documents that are sent out to you and provide clear information on what to expect.

Equans is undertaking refurbishment works which include removal of the existing cladding systems. The timber roof and the balconies will also be replaced with non-combustible materials.

Equans is carrying out the remediation works to your building.

However, you’ll need to contact your landlord, Southern Housing,
if you’ve questions which are not related to the works being
carried out.

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with them:

Welcome to the microsite for Cygnus Court. This site will provide regular updates on works being undertaken on your building, house documents that are sent out to you and provide clear information on what to expect.

Equans is undertaking refurbishment works which include removal of the existing cladding systems. The timber roof and the balconies will also be replaced with non-combustible materials.

Equans is carrying out the remediation works to your building.

However, you’ll need to contact your landlord, Southern Housing,
if you’ve questions which are not related to the works being
carried out.

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with them:

  • We're closing for the festive holidays

    We would like to inform you that our Cygnus Court site will be shutting for the festive holiday from Friday 22nd December (limited presence from 21st December) and re-opening on Tuesday 2nd January2024 (limited presence until 4th January).

    In the event of an emergency during this period, please continue to use our dedicated out of hours number - 0800 328 7244.

    From everyone in the Cygnus Court site team, we hope you enjoy the festive break.

  • Works update - October 2023

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court.

    Our progress so far:

    • Staff and Health and Safety Officers are carrying out regular health and safety checks on site and scaffolding
    • Periodic courtesy calls are being made to you all by both Southern Housing and Equans staff to touch base and listen to your views and opinions you may have regarding the ongoing works


    • The next monthly residents' meeting will be held on Thursday 9th November at 6pm
    • We are kindly requesting that all matters relating to leaks be reported directly to the site team
    • All are reminded to desist from throwing cigarette butts, empty vapes and bottles on their balcony scaffolding

    International Safety Week 2023

    At Equans, our unwavering commitment to safety is in our Fundamentals; it's one of our must haves. 16-22 October was International Safety Week and was our moment to shine a spotlight on health and safety. This year, we focused on Fall Hazards, an area that resonates with every one of us, aligning with rule number four of Equans' 12 Golden Rules - We Work Safely - Prevent falls from height.

    Workplace safety is at the heart of Equans' mission, and International Safety Week served as an annual reminder of this commitment. It's a week where every employee, regardless of their role, comes together to reaffirm their dedication to safety. It's not just about making safety a priority; it's about embracing safety as an integral part of our identity.

    This year, we kicked off the week with webinars, and division-specific emails that followed throughout the week. This ensured that our teams were armed with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent accidents related to working at heights and falling objects.

    Wednesday Walks

    Our staff at Whytecliffe Road South and Cygnus Court incorporated the International Safety Week with 30 minutes walks on Wednesdays in the park to improve their health and wellbeing.

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Resident project meeting slides - Nov 2023

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 9th November are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Happy Halloween from Equans

    From all of us at Equans, we wish you a happy Halloween.

    A children's activity pack can be viewed and downloaded from our 'Documents Library'.

    Please be careful if carving pumpkins and stay safe whilst trick or treating.

  • Resident Project Meeting Slides - Oct 2023

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 3rd October are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Works update - September 2023

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court.

    Our progress so far:

    Respite area: There is a respite facility for all residents which is located on Whytecliffe Road South at the Purley Community Hub, approximately a four minutes walk away. Feel free to use this facility to discuss urgent issues relating to the ongoing works, enjoy a quiet moment over a cup of coffee while watching television, take a break from the four walls of your flat to have fun with a friend of neighbour or enjoy the activities and update on the works on your site as directly relayed on our microsite.

    Monoflex: The upgrading of the monoflex is now complete.

    Weekly visits: Visits and door knocking are being carried out by Marc Harrison, the Project Manager for Southern Housing every Monday. If you have time, please share any questions about progress or any concerns you may have.

    Roof investigations: There are ongoing as inconclusive at this present time. We will, of course, update you once we have the full picture. We understand that these investigations have been ongoing for some time and the updates you receive, seem repetitive but please be assured, Equans and Southern Housing are fully committed to putting things right, regardless of complexity and thank all residents for being so understanding.

    Considerate Constructors Scheme: We are delighted to inform you of our Considerate Constructors visit at Cygnus Court on 27th September 2023 to carry out their first assessment of how we perform and how we engage with the wider community. They assess our impact on the environment and ensure we are being Considerate Constructors.

    This was a fantastic experience as the visit will help to keep us on our toes with regards to full compliance with our obligations as responsible and reliable partners in the construction industry.

    If you require any further information about the works being undertaken by Equans or would like to speak with the Site Manager, Mark, we encourage an open-door policy so feel free to pop down and say hello.

    Monthly residents meeting: We would like to invite you to our next residents meeting taking place on 3rd October on Microsoft Teams from 6pm - a link to join this meeting will be sent to your email addresses. Your participation/attendance is most welcome as you will have the opportunity to express your opinions, views, concerns and ask questions about the ongoing works. Representatives from both Equans and Southern Housing will be present and we hope to see you there.

    Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning: Join us on 28th September 2023 at 53 Whytecliffe Road South, CR0 2AZ where we will be fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support.

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Team achieve 'excellent' score for first Considerate Constructors Scheme audit

    After receiving their very first audit from the Considerate Constructors Scheme last month, the Cygnus Court site team have achieved a fantastic score giving them an Excellent rating!

    The team achieved near top marks in each of the three categories of 'Respect the Community', 'Care for the Environment' and 'Value their Workforce', achieving an impressive score of 43/45.

    On 27th September, a CCS monitor joined Senior Site Manager, Mark Rains for an on-site tour to carry out their audit of the site, commenting things like "At this stage of the project, where only investigative works are being carried out, an excellent level of conformance is achieved across the Scheme's requirements. I would anticipate that the high standard demonstrated today can be maintained and I trust that the works can be commenced soon."

    The CCS is an independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry to ensure all construction sites present an image of competent management, efficiency, awareness of environmental issues and above all neighbourliness. Monitors from the scheme regularly audit our sites to ensure we are adhering to the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice which is designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirement.

    Each audit is split into three categories; respect for the community, protecting the environment and valuing the workforce each with a potential score out of 15 with a total combined max score of 45 available. To score above 13 in any category warrants an excellent level of achievement for that category.

    Congratulations to Mark and the rest of the site team, and well done for achieving a fantastic score.

  • Site team support Macmillan Coffee Morning

    The site teams at Whytecliffe Road and Cygnus Court joined together on 28th September to host a coffee morning for their workforce and local residents in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

    Held at the Equans site office at Whytecliffe Road, members of both site teams including Resident Liaison Officers, Site Manaers and labourers attended to share in some refreshments and sweet treats to support the charity. They were also joined by staff from our supply chain including, Lee Scott from Craft Facades and John Salter from Turner Safety Solutions.

    Prior to the day Senior Site Manager, Mark Rains, displayed posters and sent letters to local residents, advertising the event. On the day QR codes were on display so that everyone attending could donate to the charity’s great cause. A donation box was also available for cash donations.

    After raising a fantastic £170 from the coffee morning, Mark commented: “Thank you for everyone’s support, and a well done to Bryonie for being the closest when guessing how many Colin the Caterpillars were on the poster. This is a great cause and one that is close to my heart after losing my Father to cancer. Macmillans provide excellent support to not just the individuals affected but also the families which is invaluable I can assure you.”

  • Spotlight on...Being Considerate Constructors

    We're proud to be Associate Members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS).

    The CCS is a national initiative set up by the construction industry to improve its image.

    All Equans sites are registered with the CCS. Companies and sites registered are monitored against a Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements. The Code of Considerate Practice outlines the scheme's expectations and describes those areas that are considered fundamental for registration with the scheme, these include:

    • Respect the Community: Constructors must manage their impact on their neighbourhoods and the public to support a positive experience.
    • Care for the Environment: Constructors must minimise their impact and enhance the natural environment.
    • Value the Workforce: Constructors must create a supportive, inclusive and healthy workplace.

    As an Associate Member we also have access to the CCS's Best Practice Hub which hosts examples of construction industry best practice from across the UK, both best practice initiatives already in place or currently being developed.

    One feature of the CCS Best Practice Hub is the 'Spotlight on..' which includes learning toolkits that address industrywide issues and aim to raise awareness, provide information and practical advice on how the construction industry can tackle the issue.

    Through taking action to help tackle the issues highlighted, the construction industry can play an important role in making a difference, an ultimately, improve the image of construction.

    The most recent Spotlight on, relates to Carbon Reduction - asking what net zero means for the industry and outlines easy and practical guidance to support companies' decarbonisation journey.

    More information about the CCS Best Practice Hub or their 'Spotlight on..' feature can be found by visiting the CCS website here.

    This is our commitment to you, working to the highest levels of consideration with regards to the public, our workforce and the environment. Our site will be independently assessed by experienced industry professionals, and we will use this to assess and benchmark our performance and strive for development and improvement.

    Sites are scored out of 45, and at Equans our mean score is above the industry average.

    For more information on the scheme, visit

  • Change of staff...

    supporting image

    We're sad to announce that Resident Liaison Officer (RLO), Trevon, has now left the scheme. On behalf of the rest of the site team we would like to thank Trevon for his efforts and time at Cygnus Court, he will be missed.

    With Trevon leaving, we would like to announce the addition of new RLO, Sanusi Conteh. Sanusi will retain all of Trevon's previous responsibilities and duties and his contact details can be found within our 'Your Site Team' section of this website.

    Please continue to direct your general queries and concerns to the project RLO, in case of an emergency please call our out of hours emergency number 0800 328 7244.

    Please join us in welcoming Sanusi to the Cygnus Court team.

Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 11:49 AM