Works update - October 2023

Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court.

Our progress so far:

  • Staff and Health and Safety Officers are carrying out regular health and safety checks on site and scaffolding
  • Periodic courtesy calls are being made to you all by both Southern Housing and Equans staff to touch base and listen to your views and opinions you may have regarding the ongoing works


  • The next monthly residents' meeting will be held on Thursday 9th November at 6pm
  • We are kindly requesting that all matters relating to leaks be reported directly to the site team
  • All are reminded to desist from throwing cigarette butts, empty vapes and bottles on their balcony scaffolding

International Safety Week 2023

At Equans, our unwavering commitment to safety is in our Fundamentals; it's one of our must haves. 16-22 October was International Safety Week and was our moment to shine a spotlight on health and safety. This year, we focused on Fall Hazards, an area that resonates with every one of us, aligning with rule number four of Equans' 12 Golden Rules - We Work Safely - Prevent falls from height.

Workplace safety is at the heart of Equans' mission, and International Safety Week served as an annual reminder of this commitment. It's a week where every employee, regardless of their role, comes together to reaffirm their dedication to safety. It's not just about making safety a priority; it's about embracing safety as an integral part of our identity.

This year, we kicked off the week with webinars, and division-specific emails that followed throughout the week. This ensured that our teams were armed with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent accidents related to working at heights and falling objects.

Wednesday Walks

Our staff at Whytecliffe Road South and Cygnus Court incorporated the International Safety Week with 30 minutes walks on Wednesdays in the park to improve their health and wellbeing.

Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

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