EQUANS demonstrates social value commitment

Over the past 12 months the EQUANS team have delivered an amazing £356,000 worth of measured social value within our partnership with London Borough of Hackney.

As a responsible contractor, EQUANS is committed to providing a tailored and responsive programme of social value which has a lasting and positive impact for residents and the wider community, focusing our efforts across five key strands: Jobs, Growth, Social, Environment and Innovation, to provide the best support for levelling up communities.

Thanks to our Social Value Manager, Julian Sanz, and the rest of the site team including Scott Pheby, Sharon Bandelow, Paul O'Neill, Tony Elliott, Darren Denham, Chris Calrow, Stevie Pitman, Paulius Cibulskis, Alex Saunders and Jahdai Conquest who all volunteered some time and resources assisting this.

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