Works update - September 2023
Welcome to your works update for September, the information below provides an update on the works currently being delivered at Seaton Point.
We have now uplifted 85% of the existing roof covering and applied the VPL barrier. Sadly, we are still experiencing water ingress through the substrate of the roof, a dye test has been carried out to the outlets and is clear - this is ongoing.
The red fin to the front of the building is 75% complete and we have completed almost 36 balconies in full and we are in the process of handing over 18 of them week commencing 16th September.
Fire flu panels are ongoing and a further 17 are being installed from week commencing 16th September. Also from this date we will be installing four sets of new kitchen windows to levels 1 and 2.
Unfortunately, due to no access issues, works will be slowing down over the next few weeks.
If you have any queries or concerns about the works being undertaken by Equans, please call your RLOs.