August & September update on our works
Welcome to your latest works update. You will have also received this as a hard copy in the form of your resident newsletter.
If you have any queries or concerns about the works being undertaken by Equans, please contact your Equans site team.
Scaffolding has been removed from Seren Park Gardens, with the exception of the loading bay onto the podium which will remain until all works have been completed on the podium.
General update
Sections 1-3
Rockpanel cladding works are being progressed to the lower floors from mobile scissor lifts and this will recommence shortly, however some areas will require a specialised scissor lift due to length/width restrictions around the Oriel windows to Sections 1 and 2.
The existing timber balustrade will start being replaced with Aluminium Vulkan balustrade panels towards the end of week commencing 2nd September. Any glazed panels moved from these balconies will also be replaced.
Remaining render works will recommence in the next couple of weeks and rainwater pipes will be reconnected once the render is painted.
Section 4
Rockpanel works are progressing on the lower floors from scissor lifts since the scaffold was removed. Render to the ground floor areas under the balconies will recommence in the next couple of weeks.
Sections 5, 6 and podium
Rockpanel and render works on both Section 5 and 6 are essentially complete to first floor level and operatives are currently on site completing the render to Rockpanel junctions above the block entrance doorways.
Lighting, intercoms and CCTV will be re-installed once the Rockpanel cladding has been completed and the intercom fixing detail agreed.
Brick walls will start being re-built from 9th September, with materials being delivered either 6th September or 9th September. Once the walls have been built and allowing curing time for the brickwork, the old balustrade railings will be re-installed to the internal face of the walls using chemical anchors.
Waterproofing of the podium level upstand is now complete allowing the cladding works to be completed to podium ground level and waterproofing works will recommence to the flat slab area once the brickwork has been re-installed.
Once the flat slab areas have been waterproofed into the new brickwork, new slab flooring to the podium will be installed on the communal side and new decking re-installed to the resident side.
Landscaping for planting still to be agreed with the Client.
Communal works
The communal terrace decking is well advanced with only new lighting to be installed, and SVP enclosures will commence in due course.
Final details to the entrance stair case are being discussed and will be one of the last elements to complete.
External balconies
There are still three inset balconies to receive decking, once the oversize brackets have been received, we will install the decking from a scissor lift. We will inform you directly when this is to commence.
Please ensure you have no personal belongings on the balconies, we have no storage and cannot be responsible for any loss or damage.
Balcony decking
Please be aware that he gaps in the decking are as per design by the client and manufacturers installation guidelines.
Site working
Please be aware that we still have a telehandler forklift and vehicle deliveries to site so please take care when walking or driving to and from the block.
Fire drills
You will be notified well in advance via letter, notice board and Facebook and for this you will be advised to remain in your property. This will be a fire drill for Equan staff and contractors only.
Accidental operation of fire alarms should be extremely rare - in the event that this happens, we can silence the alarms remotely. The Site Manager is also the Fire Marshall and will make this assessment as a priority and ensure all residents are aware that this is a false alarm as soon as possible.
Cameras and CCTV
There are no longer any Equans cameras on site. Please be aware that none of our operatives will be accessing any of the work/storage areas earlier than 7.45am for an 8am start and finishing at 5pm.
None of our operatives will be working at the weekends without prior agreement and notification. If you see anybody tampering with or accessing any of the work areas outside of these hours, we would appreciate it if you could notify the concierge office.
Bulkhead Balcony Lights
Appointments are being made to access your property and balconies where bulkhead lights were removed last year. New bulkhead lights will be installed, however where a property has two balconies, the lights will not be installed until both balconies have been completed as access is required to complete a circuit test and the lights cannot be made live until this has been done.
Please contact the site team to make an appointment to re-instate your new balcony light(s).
Broken Balcony Glass
We will make an appointment to site measure the replacement glass from 2nd September and once measured will take approximately three weeks to manufacture, however all of the broken units need to be measured before the order is placed. Once this arrives the glazed panel will be installed from one of the scissor lifts, access may be required.
Any other business
Access to the concierge and podium is not restricted for residents, however, access to the podium is at your own risk due to the ongoing works. We do ask that you access and egress your block via the ground floor where possible and for food deliveries, residents must meet the delivery drivers at the front gate.
Works to all balcony areas are now in progress and we can't stress enough that you all follow any of our guidelines regarding these or any other works. Please do not access your balconies between the working hours of 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. The safety of you and our workforce must be the first priority.
Copies of EICR certificates can be issued via email for those who ask for them, please contact Senior RLO, Christine Todd.
If you have reported water leak damages, plaster damage, we will have a record of this. Please now contact the site team to make an appointment for them to arrange for the remedial works to be carried out.
Mould: If you experience any condensation during the cold weather this can often lead to mould forming in corners on or near windows in or behind wardrobes and cupboards. Poor ventilation is one of the causes so please be sure, the air in your home flows freely and keep humidity levels as low as you can. Please ensure your extract fans are being used from cooking/showering and drying clothes inside.
Open windows, blinds and curtains when you can. Please ensure you move any items of furniture away from any uninsulated exterior walls as mould can propagate where there is insufficient air flow.
If you find you have a damp patch or mould, please contact the site office and we will investigate where the issue may have arisen from.
Notice to residents:
- Please ensure that you have contacted your insurance company regarding the scaffolding to your property and the risk of damage caused by the works (contents insurance)
- Please ensure that you remove anything fixed to the external walls where there's a possibility that vibrations could make these items fall, such as pictures and mirrors. Also move any chests of drawers that have pictures, ornaments or fragile items on top slightly away, so not touching the outside walls
- Please re-secure your window restrictors inside the housings fixed to the window frame. The restrictors will damage the new window sills if left loose and Equans will not be responsible for repairing or replacing the sills
- Do not keep any fragile items on the window sills as they are too narrow and items can fall off due to wind or vibration
- Please note that under your lease agreements, with sufficient notice, Equans/RTM are permitted to access properties
- If you notice a fishy or chemical smell from outside, this may be emanating from the fire-proof Rockwool insulation. This smell will dissipate over time once covered with render
- Pigeon netting is not being re-instated to balconies due to fire risk as advised by the Fire Engineer
- Please contact the RLO Christine to update our records of your contact details and to receive our Resident Information Pack
- Leaseholders: Please inform any new tenants renting your property to contact Equans RLO, Christine Todd so we have their direct contact details
- Structural alterations made by the residents are not permitted under the lease agreements
- Friendly request: To help us identify flats when on scaffolding, could you please place a label/sticker of your flat number on internal face of windows (labels available on request from Senior RLO, Christine)
- Important notice: Residents must be aware that it is your responsibility as the leaseholder/tenant to move ALL items off balconies, despite whether the items were present when moving in. The RTM and HAUS have confirmed that there is no storage on site for personal items. Equans will not be responsible for any damage or loss of items left on balconies
- Underground car park: Any issues caused by water ingress into the car park is due to either defective fittings on the drainage systems or natural water ingress from the podium slab. None of these elements are the fault of Equans works and therefore not for us to resolve. Please contact your property management company
- Again, we would like thank those residents that have come to Equans directly to advise of loss of the parking bays which in certain circumstances is as a result of materials, or our operatives. We are doing all we can to mitigate these issues in the future but appreciate you working with us on this matter.
Final note
We would like to thank all residents for their collaborative approach with the delivery of this project as we fully appreciate that these level of works increase numerous inconveniences to you all i.e. Equans receiving of deliveries, skip deliveries/collections, noise pollution etc.
We also appreciate those residents assisting with the clearance of their balconies allowing our operatives access to undertake our planned works.