IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Equans site compound removal and completion of works.
Important information for all Seren Park residents.
Monday 27th January 2025 is the date for the removal of the site welfare and office units. To allow a safe and speedy removal, any resident vehicles parked in Bays 75/ 74/ 73/ 72 / 65/ 64/ 63/ 62 AND 61/ 77/ 80 must be moved to another location before 7.00am on Monday 27/01/25. This is to allow the crane vehicle to set up and there will be eight lorries taking these units away at various times during the day.
We will liaise with Haus and the concierge to ensure you have somewhere to park your vehicle during the day of Monday 27/01/25
All of these bays will be returned to the residents on Monday evening 27/01/25 if all goes well with the removal process and the crane has left site.
Bays 71/ 70/ 69/ 68/ 67/ 66 will also be returned for use once the hoarding/ gates been removed and the road surface repaired to the clients satisfaction. We envisage this will take one week to put right as we have to break out the posts, re-concrete and tarmac over the holes. We will also take a view on the parking bay markings once everything is clear
Equans will still have a presence on site to finish the podium works, any outstanding remedial repairs to balconies and any remaining internal works. We will tidy up and return any cycle/ storage areas to their former state.
We will be temporarily based in the under-croft store in block A1 and have a chemical toilet out of sight.
Equans will update the microsite weekly to ensure you are aware of progress.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding these works, please contact the Site Managers Garry Beasley on 07815 028625 or Steve Sawyer 07583 069 898.
We wish to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused and we will endeavour to minimise any inconvenience to you.