New letter: Broken/missing balcony balustrade glass panel
This article has been summarised, a full copy of the letter is available within the documents library
During the external works, there have been several balcony balustrade glass panels broken.
Flat numbers 153, 113, 109, 104, 40, 35, 34, 32 and 31 have been recorded. However, if you have a glass panel that is missing or broken and infilled with plywood, please contact the RLO, Christine Todd on 07766 420 977.
Very importantly, could you please ensure that all personal belongings i.e. bicycles, plants, garden sets etc. are cleared to allow for works. Please be advised that Equans cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss of personal items that have not been cleared.
We wish to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused.