Project update from Martin Arnold
As you may be aware, progress of the external façade cladding works has practically stopped in recent weeks. Due to contractual constraints Equans have been unable to share specific details regarding the lack of progress, but can now do so. Unfortunately, despite Equans’ best efforts and measures put in place to assist, Equans have had no choice but to terminate the contract of the main cladding sub-contractor who was doing the works.
However, Equans can now legally progress with appointing a replacement sub-contractor to carry the works through to completion. This process has commenced although there will be some delay before we are fully up and running again and a completion programme can be produced. This will be provided at the AGM meeting for leaseholders on 30 May 2023.
There are minor elements of work that Equans can progress without a sub-contractor and these are continuing.
Moving forward Equans will now be able to respond to any specific queries you may have. Please contact Christine Todd on 07766 420 977 in the first instance.
Please accept our apologies for any issues the current situation may be causing.