Roof Level Works

To enable the cladding works to be carried out to your flat it will be necessary to move plant containers, garden furniture, sheds, temporary structures etc. that stands adjacent the cladding. This is to give the operatives access to the cladding to the walls and decking adjacent the base of the walls. Typically, this will involve moving plant containers of furniture one metre/three feet away from the wall. Additionally, items fixed to the cladding, for example hanging baskets, hose reels etc. will have to be taken off.

We will be in touch shortly to arrange a visit to your property with the contractor to identify which items need to be moved. This is to ensure that items are not moved unnecessarily and that all items are removed in good time so that the progress of the works are not hampered. Timescales can also be discussed so that you are aware of when items need to be moved and when it is anticipated they can be returned to minimise the inconvenience to you of these outdoor spaces.

We appreciate that some of the items that need to be moved will cause significant disruption and may require you to arrange for you own contractor to move the larger items of equipment. Further, we can see that there are areas of cladding that must be changed that are now inside rooms. We will therefore work with you to minimise the inconvenience of these very necessary works being carried out.

We anticipate sending an appointment to view your property shortly to begin the process of getting your cladding changed. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated and we will endeavour to keep disruption to a minimum.

If you have any queries, then please do no hesitate to contact your Resident Liaison Officer, Christine Todd on 07766 420 977.

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