Certificate of Excellence achieved!
ENGIE achieve Certificate of Excellence from Considerate Constructors Scheme Visit!
As an associated member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) ENGIE's sites are continually visited and audited against a number of categories as part of the scheme's Code of Considerate Practice to ensure works are undertaken with due consideration given to the local community.
Each category is scored out of 9 with a top score of 50 available and include topics such as respecting the community, caring about safety and valuing the workforce.
Our Chelsea Court site was visited earlier this week by an auditor from the CCS and have since been awarded a fantastic score of 41 out of a possible 50 which not only earned them a Certificate of Excellence but is also an improvement upon their previous audit score. The certificate was achieved by scoring at least 8 points out of 9 in each category of the scheme's Code of Considerate Practice.
As part of his report, the CCS auditor said "The work regarding Appearance and the Community reflects very high levels of code compliance and Daniel's natural management style ensures that the site is operating with the utmost consideration to the workforce. Daniel is able to ensure an appropriate working environment is maintained whilst still ensuring technical aspects of the project and environmental and health and safety standards remain very high."
For more information about the Considerate Constructors Scheme please visit www.ccscheme.org.uk