Fire Safety!

Fire kills - but YOU can prevent it!

To assist you in keeping yourself, your home and others safe from fire, we have sourced a number of guidance documents to help understand the risks and what you can do to prevent them.

DID YOU KNOW? A working smoke alarm could save you in a fire - 35 people die each year because their smoke alarm is not working!

Test your smoke alarms every month and change your battery every year or when necessary.

  • Check your smoke alarms are safe
  • Check your smoke alarms work
  • Put your smoke alarms in the right place

DID YOU KNOW? Every 6 days someone dies in a home fire started by a cigarette!

Make sure fires do not start:

  • Keep children out of the kitchen when you are cooking
  • Stay in the kitchen if you are cooking with fat - fat can set on fire easily
  • Use plugs safely - too many in one socket can start a fire
  • Check for broken plugs and wires
  • Put out cigarettes when finished
  • Put candles in a holder and keep them away from things that may burn

DID YOU KNOW? Faulty electrics cause about 6,000 fires in the home each year!

Think about how to get out safely, make a plan to get out fast. Phone 999 for the fire and rescue service. If your clothes are on fire - stop, drop and roll!

For more information about preventing a fire in your home and how to make your home safe, please view the Make your home safe guidance document saved here.

You can also view our guidance documents for fire safety When Celebrating, In the Winter and Outdoors.

In the event of a fire, get out, stay out and call 999.

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