Works update - June 2023
Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.
If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Trevon Mengot by calling 07811704593.
As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court.
Since our last update:
- Stripping of the cladding to the side elevation is complete and at 80% to both the front and rear elevations - this phase of works is due to be completed by 30th June
- The hoist and staircase have now been installed to the front scaffold. We are carrying out some minor alterations to the scaffolding, apologies for any inconvenience caused during the alteration
- Stripping of the roof decking is now complete. Works on the new roofing system are still in the design phase and we aim to start works week commencing 28th June
- Regarding gas boiler isolations, we ask that all residents continue to provide us access to isolate the boiler. Any refusals will be reported to Southern Housing's Leasehold Team and will cause delays to the program, resulting in the scaffolding being in place longer
- Any debris which has fallen onto your balcony, and you'd like it cleaned, please contact Trevon
- The respite facilities are due to be delivered by 20th July, we are currently waiting for TFL to give us a suitable date for road closures so that the container can be delivered to the front of the building
As we are stripping, drilling and carrying out other work related matters, we advise all residents to close windows to prevent dust and debris from entering your flat during working hours. We also advise residents to remove picture frames and other things mounted to the wall as we won't be liable for any items damaged.
Monthly residents meeting: We would like to invite you to our next residents meeting taking place on 4th July on Microsoft Teams from 6pm - we will send you a link.
Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.