Cygnus Court

Welcome to the microsite for Cygnus Court. This site will provide regular updates on works being undertaken on your building, house documents that are sent out to you and provide clear information on what to expect.

Equans is undertaking refurbishment works which include removal of the existing cladding systems. The timber roof and the balconies will also be replaced with non-combustible materials.

Equans is carrying out the remediation works to your building.

However, you’ll need to contact your landlord, Southern Housing,
if you’ve questions which are not related to the works being
carried out.

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with them:

Welcome to the microsite for Cygnus Court. This site will provide regular updates on works being undertaken on your building, house documents that are sent out to you and provide clear information on what to expect.

Equans is undertaking refurbishment works which include removal of the existing cladding systems. The timber roof and the balconies will also be replaced with non-combustible materials.

Equans is carrying out the remediation works to your building.

However, you’ll need to contact your landlord, Southern Housing,
if you’ve questions which are not related to the works being
carried out.

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with them:

  • Works update - August 2024

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Carole Coleman by calling 07880 786 442.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court. We would like to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for your patience, support and understanding during the fire remediation works.

    Our progress so far:

    • The roofing works are ongoing and are going extremely well, we are now working on the 8th and final property
    • The 4th floor windows have been firestopped and the surrounds have started being installed on that floor
    • 3/4 of the new higher parapet walls have been built and board externally
    • Insulation has started to be installed on the building which forms part of the final render system

    Our next step:

    • We will be looking to start the finished Langley roof over the next few weeks and there will be substantial deliveries but we will advise in due course - we would appreciate everyone's understanding when this occurs as there may be some disruption due to each delivery consisting of around 50 pallets of material at a time

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Resident Project Meeting Slides - 27th August 2024

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 27th August are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Resident Project Meeting Slides - 23rd July 2024

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 23rd July are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Resident Project Meeting Slides - 25th June 2024

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 25th June are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Works update - May 2024

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court. We would like to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for your patience, support and understanding during the fire remediation works.

    Our progress so far:

    • We have decanted a flat on the top floor of the building so we can undertake the structural roofing works
    • We have completed 95% of the Y-Wall board on the entire building and have commenced putting the tape on ready for the breather membrane
    • We have completed the fire stopping works around the windows and gas risers. These have also been taped and are now ready for the next step

    Our next step:

    • We are currently waiting on the fire engineers to get back to us for the build-up of the soffits of the balconies. This will enable us to start working on these as soon as that information is available to us

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Team achieve top score from Considerate Constructors Scheme

    After receiving a recent audit from the Considerate Constructors Scheme last month, the Cygnus Court site team have amazingly achieved a top score of 45/45!

    The team achieved top marks in each of the three categories of 'Respect the Community', 'Care for the Environment' and 'Value their Workforce', achieving an impressive score of 45/45.

    On 9th May, a CCS monitor joined Senior Site Manager, Mark Rains for an on-site tour to carry out their audit of the site, commenting things like "Whilst not all of the Scheme's checklist prompts are applicable to the works, those that are obtain a very high level of conformance. It is good to note that the improvement opportunities noted in the previous report have been actioned, along with other improvements made by the Senior Site Manager."

    The CCS is an independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry to ensure all construction sites present an image of competent management, efficiency, awareness of environmental issues and above all neighbourliness. Monitors from the scheme regularly audit our sites to ensure we are adhering to the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice which is designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirement.

    Each audit is split into three categories; respect for the community, protecting the environment and valuing the workforce each with a potential score out of 15 with a total combined max score of 45 available. To score above 13 in any category warrants an excellent level of achievement for that category.

    Congratulations to Mark and the rest of the site team, and well done for achieving a fantastic score.

  • Works update - April 2024

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court. We would like to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for your patience, support and understanding during the fire remediation works.

    Our progress so far:

    • The facade work has been progressing steadily in anticipation of the full system installation
    • Our roof investigations are ongoing and we plan to commence structural works within the next few weeks
    • Windows are being firestopped - your safety is our top priority
    • We are currently investigating the balcony structure by removing the soffits to examine its composition

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Resident project meeting slides - 23rd April 2024

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 23rd April are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

  • Works update - March 2024

    Welcome to your resident's update from Equans. This is a great way for us to keep you up to date with all the work that has been going on so far and what we expect to achieve going forward.

    If you have any queries about the works being undertaken by Equans, please direct your query to your appointed Resident Liaison Officer, Sanusi Conteh by calling 07855 967 608.

    As you will be aware, Equans has been appointed by Southern Housing to replace cladding and associated fire remediation works at Cygnus Court. We would like to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for your patience, support and understanding during the fire remediation works.

    Our progress so far:

    • We have completed dismantling the metal structure on the roof which has now taken a huge load off the structure
    • We are currently on the fourth level for the stripping and strengthening of the facade
    • We have also stripped one of the balconies to see how it is constructed and to work out how to re-construct it safely


    • We will be delivering an additional container at our Cygnus Court site on 25h March. This may involve some noise and disrupt people and vehicular movements on the driveway, please bear with us and we will accommodate traffic flow as much as we can
    • We would like to thank you for your patience and support in allowing access to our contractors to carry out their work

    Please click here to view a copy of the full Resident's Newsletter.

  • Resident project meeting slides - 26th March 2024

    The slides from our resident project meeting presentation on 26th March are now available to view and download from our Documents Library.

    Please click here to see the slides in full.

Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 11:49 AM